The Entertainment Experience


Assist Paul Verhoeven in making his next films

Dutch director of major blockbusters Robocop, sexy thriller Basic Instinct, Total Recall and Starship Troopers, Paul Verhoeven has promoted at Mipcom FCCE’s Hollywood-style format and cross-media event called The Entertainment Experience, the world’s first multi-platform format creating a user generated movie. All aspects of movie making, including acting and filming is produced by new talent – anybody can sign up – guided by an established director who will also make the final cut of the movie. FCCE is in talks with several major international directors for a worldwide rollout of The Entertainment Experience. The format appeals to universal talent and Paul Verhoeven said: «For the moment, the program is for Dutch people and it is a victory for our programs, but I think that depending on the country, other directors could take the lead of the format. It could be Luc Besson in France, or Polanski in Poland.»