Mipcom 2012 Red Carpet


Mipcom 2012 Opening party red carpet

Reed MIDEM's Paul Zilk (CEO), Jérôme Delhaye (Director, Entertainment Division), Laurine Garaude (Director, Television Division) welcomed on Monday 8 October a whole host of stars at Hotel Martinez on the Mipcom Opening party Red Carpet. The first to walk the Red carpet were Pollyanna Woodward, Presenter of the Gadget Show accompanied with presenter Jason Bradbury and guest " the Robot". Then, among the most famous stars present in cannes, Michael Weatherly, (N.C.I.S.), Michel Courtemanche, Stefanie Von Pfetten, actress and actors of famous series like Hit Women, Ripper Street, The Walking dead, The Americains, paraded if front of the photographers' lenses, sometimes putting on quite a show for the large audience's pleasure when female stars played the glamorous role.
