G 20 Day One


G20 opening: Nicolas Sarkozy first meetings of the day

French president Nicolas Sarkozy and the inhabitants of Cannes, gathered for the popular welcome to the G20 delegations, welcomed President Barack Obama, who came for bilateral discussions. Later in the morning, another meeting took place between heads of delegation members of the Eurozone and european institutions (European Council, European Commission, ECB) and  IMF. Mr Sarkozy has been meeting with Bill Gates, co-president of the “Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation” who came to present his report about financing for development. In the afternoon, all the heads of states gathered around Nicolas Sarkozy for the «family picture» between two working sessions. The bilateral meeting with Manmohan Singh, PM of India has been postponed to the evening. In the end of the afternoon, Nicolas Sarkozy held his first press conference in the Grand Auditorium to keep the press informed on the progress of the G20 discussions.

